Come join us on Wednesday, June 26, 2024, at 5:00 PM PDT at our Headquarters located at 3710 Ruffin Road, San Diego, CA 92123, for Cabrillo Credit Union's Annual Meeting.

As a valued member-owner of Cabrillo Credit Union, your participation is instrumental in electing the volunteer Board of Directors and Supervisory Committee members who play a crucial role in guiding the strategic success of your credit union.
Board of Directors
Open Positions: 3
Nominees: Frank Miranda, Dave Rodriguez, Kris Whitworth, and George Hughey.
Voting dates are between May 3, 2024 through June 16, 2024.
To cast your vote for the nominees, please click the link below and make your voice heard today!
All nominees will be officially confirmed during the Annual Meeting for 3-year terms.
We extend a warm invitation to all members to attend the Annual Meeting. Please RSVP by emailing
If you prefer a paper ballot, please contact CUBallot at 888-758-8028, and we will gladly mail one to you.
Thank you for being an essential part of the Cabrillo Credit Union community.
Frequently Asked Questions
Why is there an election?
Credit unions are unique in that members get to elect their Board of Directors and Supervisory Committee members. Each member's vote is important.
Who's eligible to vote?
All members who are (1) primary account holders as of March 31, 2024, (2) 18-years or older and (3) in good standing, are eligible to vote. Joint owners are not members and therefore not permitted to vote.
Who should I vote for?
Members are encouraged to read the nominee bios and make their selection. There is one position on the Supervisory Committee up for election and three nominees.
How can I vote?
All members may vote electronically using the link above. Eligible members who were signed up for eStatements as of March 31, 2024 have already been sent an email with more information. Paper ballots can be mailed upon request to eligible members.
It's not accepting my account number on the electronic system?
Remember, the member must be primary on the account. If the member is primary on multiple accounts, the OLDEST account was selected for voting purposes. Enter your primary account number, but do not include the share ID.
What if I vote twice?
The voting systems in place ensure that members may not vote more than once. The first vote cast is the vote that is counted.
When is the last day I can vote?
Election concludes June 16, 2024.
When will we know the results?
Results of the election will be announced at the Annual Meeting, on June 26, 2024 at 5:00 PM
PDT in our Headquarters located at 3710 Ruffin Road, San Diego, CA 92123.
Can I attend the Annual Meeting?
Yes, all members are welcome to attend the Annual Meeting. Members may R.S.V.P. by emailing